Dr. Howell’s Reflections

Dr. Howell’s Reflections

Everyday, Dr. Howell writes a reflection, inquiry prompt, and a prayer.
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Meaning-Making Part 3

March 6, 2025

Many things in our lives have tremendous meaning, like times with family and loved ones. And meaningful work is fantastic and rewarding. Being part of something greater than ourselves is another meaningful endeavor. Our minds, bodies, and hearts embrace our meaningful things, and we cherish most, the ones that are charged with love, happiness, and fulfillment.

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Meaning-Making Part 2

March 5, 2025

What are the most meaningful things in your life? Why are they so meaningful to you? Do they have meaning because of love, fascination, or perhaps because of a soul connection? This week, we reflect on the meaning of meaning itself, how we determine what is most meaningful to us, and the sacred art of meaning-making. 

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Meaning-Making Part 1

March 4, 2025

What are the most meaningful things in your life? Why are they so meaningful to you? Do they have meaning because of love, fascination, or perhaps because of a soul connection? This week, we reflect on the meaning of meaning itself, how we determine what is most meaningful to us, and the sacred art of meaning-making. 

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Sacred Kinship Part 7

March 3, 2025

Sacred Kinship goes beyond the humans into the realm of all animals. A dog or cat may not be able to articulate love with words, yet they express the soul's qualities of love in profound and unmistakable ways. Horses and many other animals provide comfort, support, and love. Lions, tigers, and apes raised by humans and then released into the wild have been known to recognize their first "parent." There are YouTube videos of reunions between animals and their human parents, who loved their animals so much that they released them back into the wild.  

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Sacred Kinship Part 6

March 2, 2025

Sacred Kinship is essential to make the world go around. If no one supported each other spiritually, the world would be totally at odds. There would be kinship, but instead of being based on the sacred, it would be based solely on how the person or persons materially benefit. For example, the mafia has kinship. Also, warring countries exhibit “kinship” when negotiating a peace agreement, but their kinship is brought about only because they share in the desire to end the war. And the old saying, “There is honor among thieves” coveys that Kinship isn’t necessarily sacred. 

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Sacred Kinship Part 5

March 1, 2025

Sacred Kinship is one of the nine points of the Enneagram of Soul and is found at Point Six. 

Sacred Kinship is the landing place for sacred hospitality, sacred interaction, sacred family, sacred friendships, and all matters relating to our soul and community. Without Sacred Kinship, we would have no spiritual ties to others. With Sacred Kinship, we access the human family and have more intimate connections with family, friends, and the sacred community. 

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Sacred Kinship Part 4

February 28, 2025

A dear person with whom I share a spiritual kinship recently had a health crisis. They were in that scary time while awaiting the results of medical tests. Fear and uncertainty over health matters can be pretty challenging for anyone. I was feeling their anxiety and realized that they would benefit from some much-needed support from our spiritual community, of which they are a part. 

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Sacred Kinship Part 3

February 27, 2025

Sacred Kinship is essential because it supports our true nature. Those with whom we share Sacred Kinship experience our soul, its spiritual nature, and the spiritual intentions of our being. And we experience theirs. However, people who know us superficially are not in the circle of sacred Kinship and, therefore, know mostly our outer selves. Because we are not consciously in Sacred Kinship with these dear souls, it is less likely that the more intimate aspects of our spiritual lives will be shared. 

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Sacred Kinship Part 2

February 26, 2025

Why is a spiritual community so powerful? The apostle Paul spoke to the question when he says in First Corinthians, “Now you are Christ’s body, and each of you a limb or organ of it” (12:27). He talks about all believers being in one body in Christ. A genuinely spiritual community has tremendous power that transforms its members, and the people they touch. Community members take on the various parts of the body, which, in concert, makes a unified functioning body. In the Christian community, this is part of the larger body of Christ. 

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Sacred Kinship Part 1

February 25, 2025

I first heard the word “kin” in family discussions as a child. For example, a relative would ask if someone was “kin” to someone else, meaning were they were part of the same biological family. Or the word would be used to state that someone is a biological relative of a specific family—for instance, “Aunt Ruth is kin to the Robins family.” Then I noticed that the word “kin” and “kinship” could also be used to describe relationships that are close but not necessarily biological. 

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Peace Part 7

February 24, 2025

One of the most effective ways of reconnecting with our peace is through the spoken word. When disheartened or afraid, our unchecked ego mind can work overtime to help us feel better. Depending on our ego type and stress level, it may tell us many things — all the way from “Don’t worry” to “You are doomed.” But many times, in overwhelming fear and discouragement, our ego’s efforts don’t work. If fear and negativity get a foothold, it’s very hard for others to comfort us. If something doesn’t happen to relieve the situation, we can move toward panic and depression. When we’re completely out of touch with our peace, it’s time for the soul to take over. 

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Peace Part 6

February 23, 2025

In the womb, we float in amniotic fluid, and nurturance is provided through the umbilical cord. We don’t expend energy on navigating the world or making our needs known; they are automatically met. We are carried around in a warm container insulated from the outside world. Though there are a lot of sounds in the womb, such as voices, mother’s digestion, and heartbeat, we are used to these sounds because they have been there forever. So, we begin life in relative calm and peacefulness. But our peaceful condition is disturbed once we come into the world with its demands, fears, desires, and stressors. Our essence is preserved in our soul child years, but as demands increase, we eventually give control over to the ego.  

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Peace Part 5

February 22, 2025

It is challenging to be peaceful with ourselves, especially in the middle of chaos and conflict. One of my most potentially chaotic situations is making it through TSA (Transportation Security Administration) checkpoints in airports. Besides standing in long lines, we passengers must keep track of our IDs and boarding passes while unloading our pockets, taking off coats, belts, shoes, and glasses, and unloading our phones, computers, wallets, passports, and watches, and placing them in bins. 

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Peace Part 4

February 21, 2025

Emotions such as terror, anxiety, confusion, hatred, dread, and any of the nine major passions are part of life. Such emotions and passions are brought about by life's difficulties, such as abandonment, sickness, illness, loss, injury, death, and the myriad of traumas we experience of mind, body, and heart. To have Peace in the face of these difficult or even terrible experiences, we must have a belief system that provides strength, faith, and hope. 

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Peace Part 3

February 20, 2025

One of the greatest enemies of peace is uncertainty. In uncertain times, we want reassurance that all is well. But oftentimes, that assurance is not available. There may be a huge financial problem or a health issue that cannot be solved readily. Maybe someone we care about is in a severe crisis, and we do not know what to do.

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Peace Part 2

February 19, 2025

Having and keeping peace within ourselves is a wonderful state of being. Those who live spiritually and desire peace must surrender their burdens to a power beyond themselves. But to release our burdens, we must often also surrender our complete understanding and control of them. Then we can place the burdens in the care of a superior understanding. This superior understanding is that of the Divine. 

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Memory Part 7

February 17, 2025

There is a saying that I love: “Let’s make new memories.” These words remind me that every present moment will become a memory, and we can be conscious of making good ones. This is not to say that all memories must be good ones. We still need to remember some of them regardless of their unpleasantness. But making new memories conveys the notion that the memories made will somehow enhance the relationship.

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