Consciousness brings people into community with others who also see the world as a universal entity.

The Nine Personality Types
The Standard-bearer. Ego Type One says to the world, "I am right." Ones know the right thing to do and the right way to go. They have the gift of discernment and see flaws others can't readily see. Being right comes naturally to Ones because it is their defense against a world out of kilter. Underneath their compulsion to set the world straight is a yearning for harmony and order they knew before their egos kicked in. Ones tend to have positions of trusted decision-makers that people seek out for advice. They take a lot of responsibility for guiding things but spend a lot of energy monitoring others. When unhealthy, Ones are critical, over-controlling, and resentful of others, who don't do things according to set standards. They are angry when things are not perfect. It is eventually turned inward if they don't understand and heal their anger.
The Helper. Ego Type Two says to the world, "I am helpful." Twos are the most relationship-oriented people of them all. They are Johnny-on-the-spot whenever someone is in need. If something must be done, they are the ones who say, "I would be glad to do it." They are sensitive to others and their wishes and even avoid meeting their needs to help others. The world would not have as much compassion if not for Twos. Their ego of being a helper is their defense against a world they fear won't love them unless they work for that love. Therefore they seek love by being of service. But they are trapped in service, which exhausts them. Disconnected from the awareness that they are indeed loved and valued for who they are, not only for what they give, Two's are compelled to serve others even when they would rather not. Twos are driven by their desires to be esteemed, if not worshiped, for their good works and sacrifices when unhealthy. If not appreciated, they withdraw their help.
The Winner. Ego Type Three says to the world, "I am successful." Threes are builders, doers, administrators, and go-getters. Also out of touch with how much they are loved, Threes prove they are "love-worthy "by being as successful as possible. They know how to make goals, make plans and execute them. Their sharp, efficient minds place them in leadership positions, heads of all types of teams, systems and organizations, governments, etc. They know how to delegate and make things prosper. But they are on a gerbil wheel, accomplishing one thing after another or they will not be loved. Unhealthy Threes are obsessed with an image that makes them look accomplished and praiseworthy. To gain admiration and love, unhealthy Threes will use deceit to appear more successful than they are.
The Creator. Ego Type Four says to the world, "I am unique." Fours see the world very differently from most people; theirs is a creative and unique way of looking at life. They are incredibly innovative and come up with one-of-a-kind creations, including themselves. They attract people who value their unique and artful approach to life; they tend to have a non-typical appearance and lifestyle. Nothing about Fours fits into a prescribed mold. Fours are not sure of their identity. They lost the connection to their divine origin and sought affirmation and authentication by being special. Unhealthy Fours are melancholy and embrace their lives' tragedies and low points. Unhealthy Fours may quest for authenticity but seem never to find or lead their real lives. Many unhealthy Fours think a special someone will save them from their tragic plight. But this is impossible.
The Scholar. Ego Type Five says, "I am wise." This is their way of dealing with the demands and stresses of the world. Wisdom is their way for others to respect and value them. They also think that knowledge will save them from an emptiness wrought by being disconnected from the life force, which was once the fire in their belly. Fives are the great thinkers of our society who come up with solutions and plans. They prefer their privacy and resent any intrusions because they need time and space to think, observe, and store information. Unhealthy Fives are stingy with their time and resources because the more they give, the less there is to fill their empty feeling. They are also known to hoard any and everything. Unhealthy Fives become so withdrawn that they live a hidden life. In the end, the extreme result is that they detach from reality.
The Team Player. Ego Type Six says to the world, "I am loyal." Sixes can be counted on to promote the group, whether family, community, or organization. Loyalty matters to Sixes because they have a well-developed understanding of interdependence and kinship. They search for people who have common bonds with them and are loyal to them. Because they seek security in group membership, they are true to the people who surround them and protect them. Many Sixes attach to the alpha person who leads the group. They thrive as the alpha's underlings because they are protected. Sixes lost the connection with their own power and strength. Therefore they doubt themselves and find it hard to make independent decisions. Unhealthy Sixes are fear-ridden and avoid being deviant to prevent rejection. They are so afraid of being excluded that they work tirelessly, hoping their accomplishments will please those who protect them.
The Bon Vivant. Ego Type Seven says to the world, "I am happy." They are joyful and fun-loving folks who always love a good time. They like anything that brings pleasure. They believe that they will have no pain if they are always joyful and planning for the next event. So, they have well-developed senses of fun, joy, and enjoy the states of mind that keep them there. They are great planners of holidays and special occasions and have the knack for masterfully pulling off all celebrations. They love the beautiful, the exciting, and the intriguing, as evidenced by so many Sevens who enjoy travel, food, and drink. Disconnected from the happiness and contentment they once knew, they attempt to reconstruct that state of being by being happy and avoiding pain. They lost the roundedness and joy that come with introspection, stillness, reflection, and from oneness with the universe's cornucopia of abundance. Unhealthy Sevens overindulge in pleasure and live in a fantasy world.
The Commander. Ego Type Eights say to the world, "I am powerful." They are strong people with nerves of steel and iron wills. Anything they set out to do will be done, even if they have to move mountains. Strong leaders and influential personalities, Eights are visionaries with tactical and logistical abilities to carry out their missions. Keen to know who the enemy is, they search out their weaknesses; this is highly needed in combat, business, and in any endeavor where there is competition. People rally under the umbrella of the Eight because they have sustenance and protection there. The Eight's power is so absolute that their ideas of justice reign. But if someone doesn't adhere to their authority, they will not gain the benefits of Eight's justice. Unhealthy Eights are given to revenge, and they avoid their weaknesses. They lust to possess things, people, and experiences that signify dominance, prosperity, power, and ultimate authority.
The Peacemaker. Ego Type Nines say to the world, "I am OK." They are good-natured people who don't rock the boat and never cause dissension. They see all sides of situations and can represent and understand everyone's opinion. Nine's are generally agreeable, unhurried, even-tempered, and deliberate. They seem relaxed, but underneath, there may be apprehension because they avoid conflict, which can happen without warning. Nines make excellent arbitrators, mediators, and ombudspersons. Their presence usually calms a room full of turmoil because they instinctively know how to take the edge off. Unhealthy Nines are so relaxed that they seem asleep and let life go by. If things are too conflictual around them, they self-anesthetize. Disconnected from their distinctive lovableness, they tend to degrade themselves and shrink from being seen or heard. They do nothing in quicksand until it's too late; ultimately, the quicksand consumes them.