Awakenings Gatherings
Enneagram Awakenings are local groups that meet weekly or bi-monthly to discuss how to apply the Enneagram to everyday life.
Below you will find the details of upcoming ICB Awakenings.
These events are open to all. Please join us!
Would you or your group like the ICB Faculty to come and present a conference, retreat, or workshop with you? Please select the button below:
Once we receive your request you will receive an email from us to set up a phone time to discuss the needs of your organization and to discuss possible dates
Virtual Awakenings
The Virtual Awakenings group meets every Sunday from 3-4 PM via Zoom.
Is this your 1st time attending this Awakenings Gathering? Do you need more information about this Awakenings gathering? Do you have any questions, please select the “Contact Us” button below:
Chattanooga, Tennessee Awakenings
This group is co-led by Pam Johnson and Ruth Bresson.
Is this your 1st time attending this Awakenings Gathering? Do you need more information about this Awakenings gathering? Do you have any questions, please select the “Contact Us” button below to get in touch with Ruth:
Columbia, South Carolina Awakenings
UPDATE: Due to COVID-19 please join us on Zoom until further notice.
The Columbia Awakenings group meets each Sunday from 3:30-5 PM at Saint Martins-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church.
5220 Clemson Avenue, Columbia, South Carolina 29206
Is this your 1st time attending this Awakenings Gathering? Do you need more information about this Awakenings gathering? Do you have any questions, please select the “Contact Us” button below:
Awakenings Opening Prayer:
Give me a candle of the spirit, O God
As I go down into the deep of my own being.
Show me the hidden things. Take me down to the spring of my life and tell me my nature and my name.
Give me freedom to grow so that I may become my true self - the Fulfillment of the seed which you planted in me at my making.
Out of the deep I cry unto Thee, O God.