March 2, 2025

Sacred Kinship Part 6

Sacred Kinship is essential to make the world go around. If no one supported each other spiritually, the world would be totally at odds. There would be kinship, but instead of being based on the sacred, it would be based solely on how the person or persons materially benefit. For example, the mafia has kinship. Also, warring countries exhibit “kinship” when negotiating a peace agreement, but their kinship is brought about only because they share in the desire to end the war. And the old saying, “There is honor among thieves” coveys that Kinship isn’t necessarily sacred. 

Scared Kinship means spiritual unity with the other person or persons. Others’ problems are not only theirs but ours as well. Sacred Kinship acknowledges that anything affecting the other also affects us — we have a stake in what happens to others because we value and care for them. As our ideas expand of who we have scared kinship with, the people for whom we care also expands. Our interactions with others in Sacred Kinship promote the welfare of the other, even if we must sacrifice. In turn, we trust that the other person or person has our welfare in mind when we need assistance. In Scared Kinship, we cooperate to reach a higher level of communication and empathy.

Sacred Kinship is at Point Six on the Enneagram of Soul, and it activates all other sacred points on the Enneagram of Soul in terms of how they apply to Sacred Kinship.

Sacred Kinship activates the other eight points of the Enneagram of Soul in relationships in the following ways: 

Point Seven: Sacred Joy — we celebrate together and enjoy the beauty of the relationship. 

Point Eight: Sacred Power — we combine our forces to bring about the best. 

Point Nine: Sacred Loving Peace — Peace is a joint effort with ripple effects that affect many others. 

Point One: Sacred Alignment — we have Alignment with the Divine and sacred Alignment with one another. 

Point Two: Sacred Benevolent Compassion — giving and receiving for love and empathy.

Point Three: Sacred Action — we take Sacred Action about the things we both believe in and share. 

Point Four: Sacred Creativity — we co-create through envisioning and bringing what we envision into reality. 

Point Five: Sacred Wisdom — the Sacred Wisdom guides our actions and relationships. 

Sacred relationships get things done but in a different way than strictly business and/or transactional relationships do. We all have non-sacred business and logistical relationships. We may “sacred-ize“ them if we relate to them from our souls. But that doesn’t assure us we will have a mutual Sacred Kinship. Many non-sacred relationships cooperate to bring about skyscrapers, rockets in the air, and systems that benefit humankind. Sacred relationships can do those things, too. However, the quality that sets Sacred Kinship apart from other kinships is its spiritual nature that binds it, and everything in the Sacred Kinship is in service to the soul. 

Spiritual practice: Today’s spiritual practice is the following self-inquiry: With whom do you have sacred Kinship? How do those kinships activate the other eight points of the Enneagram of Soul for you?

Dear God, 

I pray for Sacred Kinship to spread around the globe. Help me begin by deepening my sacred kinships and making more of them, for these are part of our hope that the world will come to consciousness. In your name, Amen. 


Sacred Kinship Part 7


Sacred Kinship Part 5