
October 27, 2023

We are fortunate to have a blueprint of how to build resilience: the Enneagram’s inner flow against the arrows shows us all nine energy points. Each point represents an essential spiritual energy that is a building block of resilience. By going to each point, we build resilience.

For years I have been privileged to directly witness how people bounce back, survive and improve their lives even through tragedies. Sadly, I have also witnessed how people buckle under such stressors and succumb to despair, disease or death. Because, like all of us, I have had my tragedies, so I resonate with those people who share theirs with me. In the final analysis, there are certain definable qualities essential to survival, bouncing back and thriving, regardless of our trauma.

Adhering to the Enneagram’s design, these nine vital qualities of resilience fit perfectly on the Enneagram, with each interlocking with the next in the inner flow. What emerges is the Spirituality of the Enneagram of Resilience.

Our spiritual work is done at the nine energy points in this Enneagram. We perfect our resilience by going to each point on the Enneagram of Resilience until a huge life dilemma alters our life forever. It may be the ending of our job, a violation, an abandonment, an illness, loss, a tragedy, etc. This dilemma shocks our system because there’s no apparent way to deal with it. These are called shock points, and all humans have them.

Shock points are integral to resilience building because they trigger the development of specific qualities that, in concert, move us through the dilemma with stamina.

We will reflect on the Nine Energies of the Enneagram of Resilience tomorrow.

Inquiry: Can you imagine the qualities depicted in The Enneagram of Resilience?

Oh God,

For resilience, I give you praise. Please let my life contribute to the resiliency of my brothers and sisters. They give me strength beyond my own. Amen.

Make peace with your ego and discover your true path today. We will share Dr. Howell's full daily reflection and prayer on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. To receive the full week, please complete the form below to begin your journey into who God has made you to be. The path to wholeness starts now!



