
June 28, 2023

Fun is a form of play. We must play because, like love, play is a part of the human experience. Animals, even reptiles, play and of course, children play. Every adult was once a child who played. As children, we discover our bodies, mental capacities and emotions. It was fun to find out about ourselves because exploring any new territory is fun. Our very nature includes the inherent need for play and fun.

An adult who is devoid of fun and play is disconnected from an aspect of her soul. She lacks spontaneity and playfulness - essential to our true nature. But when she is in contact with her playfulness, she is connected to her soul child and of course, her soul. Having fun as we did when we were soul children returns us to the simplicity and joy we were born with. If we can indeed go there, we have access to our most authentic identity, our soul.

There is no expected end-result to play. It is not a measurable activity, but it does have a purpose. Play imitates the playfulness of the Creator that’s reflected in animals and humans. Though imitation is not conscious, it’s an inherent capacity we are compelled to act out. Like a child who unconsciously imitates his father or mother, we imitate our Creator without planning or thinking about it. It is in us to be like God. Eating, sleeping, dancing, blessing, making love, expressing affection, laughing, crying and playing - all these and more are vehicles for expressing the qualities of our soul.

Just ask anyone when they last frolicked. There is usually a quizzical look on their face. “What do you mean?” They ask. Then they look amused, just picturing themselves frolicking. But as a soul child, they would know what you were asking without wondering what you meant.

We are not readily in touch with our whimsical side, yet it’s the purest space for the Divine to land in. Children are in touch with their souls and frolic every day. Last weekend I attended a beautiful wedding and three little kids were in the ceremony as flower girls and ring bearers. They did their part in the ceremony well. Yet at the reception, they danced, played and frolicked around the entire celebration space. Frolicking is an excellent image of play and fun because it suggests a bit of movement, a bit of dance, self-enjoyment, a bit of wandering and a bit of aimlessness, all in joyfulness.

Inquiry: Tell me three reasons why you wouldn’t frolic today.

Dear God,

You are the Lord of the dance. May your spirit enliven me in playfulness and fun, always. Amen.

Make peace with your ego and discover your true path today. We will share Dr. Howell's full daily reflection and prayer on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. To receive the full week, please complete the form below to begin your journey into who God has made you to be. The path to wholeness starts now!



