Living in Essence

March 9, 2024

The only way to know our essence is to shift from conceptualizing ourselves as our outer descriptors to experiencing our heart’s profound spiritual characteristics. So, let’s do an exercise that will take us to our depths.

Our essence is all the wisdom accumulated in life, our spiritual growing edges, purpose, and all our inborn spiritual qualities. Our essence is what our soul would say and do if our superficial selves did not overshadow it.

Just think:

1. In soul, what would you say about your shortcomings?

2. What would your soul want in relationships?

3. Who would your soul like to be most near?

4. In soul, how would you describe your essential identity?

5. In soul, what wisdom are you compelled to share?

6. In soul, how would you relate to your passion?

7. In soul, how would you address your pain?

8. In soul, how would you deal with your adversaries?

9. In soul, how do you experience love?

Inquiry: Which one of the above would you find hardest to answer?

Dear God,

In essence, in soul, I know the true me. I ask for consciousness of that true me that inhabits my body all the time.


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Living in Essence


Living in Essence