Divine Order 5
January 25, 2025
Divine Order Part 5
Sometimes, when at the drugstore, I get frustrated searching the card aisle for the right card for a special occasion. Right off the bat, none of the cards say what needs to be said. I go up and down the aisle, pulling out one card after the other, opening them, finding that they won’t work, and replacing them in the rack.
My increasing frustration is a red flag that perhaps my ego is in charge of this search. Yes, a critical mass of frustration is often the only thing that brings us to consciousness. I want to find a perfect card, but my ego, alone, can’t find it.
Finally, I pray the prayer of the searching soul: Dear God, “More than I, you know what words this dear soul needs to hear. I desire to be the conduit for those words. If it’s to be, please let my eyes receive the card, dear God. Amen.”
After the prayer, my ego melts into my soul. Then, right there at the racks, the card usually finds me before I know it. Only the eyes and heart of my soul can spiritually receive the most fitting card.
Why is this so? I believe it is because when we relinquish our ego mind, our purest spiritual intention is honored by the Divine, and we are given the senses to perceive a new way, a better way!
Finding a greeting card is a relatively small dilemma. Yet, when we consider that words are powerful and can be extremely helpful in times of uncertainty and affirming in times of celebration, they can be profound gifts. Praying the prayer of the searching soul for the “small” life issues is good practice for when we need to pray it in the more enormous challenges of life.
Spiritual practice: Is there something you are searching for? Pray the searcher’s prayer. Be on the lookout for new eyes and ears, and a new way to open up!
Self-inquiry: When our ego, alone, can’t find the right card, why do you think this is so?