Divine Order 4
January 24, 2025
Divine Order Part 4
How do we know if we are in divine order? The answer comes after we ask ourselves,” Do I trust the pathway on which I find myself?” Trust is the first key to knowing if we are in divine order. If, in our soul, we trust the journey, that signals that we are in an order beyond ourselves. If we do not trust, we are probably not aligned with the divine pathway.
We also know that we are in divine order if our intentions are in service of God’s will. If we cannot find something, if we do not understand something, if we are in a quandary about someone or something, even if we are at a crossroad, if our intentions are in service of God’s will, we are in divine order. To proceed in divine order, we relinquish our preconceived concept of how, who, what, when, and where. In relinquishment, the way forward manifests.
Right now, I’m in a quandary about an issue close to my heart. I desire divine order, but it seems someone will be left out whichever way I choose. Must someone be left out?
If so, I will need the strength and courage for that to happen.
And now — the most critical part — I pray the prayer of relinquishment:
Oh God,
I trust this dilemma has come up for a holy reason, which will ultimately bring more love into the world. I pray for a divinely ordered way forward. Therefore, I relinquish my ego’s plans and ask that it melts into my soul, who’s tethered to you. Please show me the way. In your name, Amen.
Your answer comes!!! It is in the form of abundance, not lack, in the form of both, rather than “either or.” Your answer comes in the form of loaves and fishes. Your answer makes space for everyone. I am so grateful.
Spiritual practice: What is your current dilemma? If you pray the prayer of the searching soul, what is the outcome?
Self-inquiry: What would stand in your way of praying for relinquishment now?