Spiritual Road Tests

August 4, 2023

This morning my ego punished me for being unable to pick up some large paint cans and carry them to the garden house. The heavy cans’ handles dug into my fingers when I lifted all of them. “Ouch,” I said. Then my ego responded, “You can do this, just bear the pain. You MUST do this, or you will be weak.” But the reality was I couldn’t stand the pain because the full cans were too heavy. So instead of taking all the cans at once, I made a couple of trips to the garden house and easily carried them.

I did not pass the self-compassion test this morning until I remembered I do not have to listen to my ego’s unrealistic expectations. Loving ourselves is like loving our soul child. We experience that child’s vulnerability, their soul’s will to love and their preciousness. We unconditionally accept them in all their weaknesses and all their strengths. We can do that for our adult selves too. Then we will pass the road test of self-compassion. If we cannot pass the road test of self-compassion, we are doomed to needless suffering.

Inquiry: Do you give yourself compassion?

Dear God,

I recall when the handles dug into my fingers. Something in my soul said, “You do not have to suffer this.” This is my still, small voice. I am so grateful to you for that voice which you planted in me at my making. Amen.

Make peace with your ego and discover your true path today. We will share Dr. Howell's full daily reflection and prayer on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. To receive the full week, please complete the form below to begin your journey into who God has made you to be. The path to wholeness starts now!


Spiritual Road Tests


Spiritual Road Tests