Christmas Day

December 25, 2023

Amid the celebration and haste, we consciously take time to reconnect to the Divine. In this Holy Pause, we center on the peace of God, which is deeper and more substantial than the peace our egos manufacture. God's peace takes us out of egocentricity … the thought that things and people should be the way we want them to be.

In the conscious life, the joy and peace of Christmas are not found in achieving our ego's idea of a perfect holiday. Instead, our joy comes from knowing that an energy inside us is greater than our minds alone; this energy is supernatural and comes from The One True Source of All Being.

The Divine inside us animates us from beyond. The connection to our Source assures us that our soul is peaceful and joyful regardless of what we encounter. We are not dependent on circumstances because we have intimacy with God within. We see imperfections as opportunities to hear God's voice upholding and affirming us. God's voice tells us why things are happening and what we can do to create more love.

Because we connect to the God within, we know even more profoundly the truth of the One who was born today: Christ said, "The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you". Luke 17:20-21.

May the Peace and Joy of Christmas Day spring from your heart today and all days.

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Looking Ahead


Christmas Eve