
June 23, 2023

There is something fun I’ve done every day for the last forty-five years: play with kids. And though at times it has been very demanding and sometimes heart-breaking, it has been pure fun for the most part. Lately, I have been reflecting on why my work with children is so much fun compared to my work with adults. And the reason is that having fun is most children’s favorite state of consciousness, which is also my favorite state.

How many hours have I spent on my office floor with legos, colored crayons, cars, trucks, crowns, glitter, puzzles, stuffed animals, character figures and a small playhouse? I have done magic shows, taught kids skits and taken them on nature walks. But, I must admit that a couple of these most played-with toys are those from childhood that I kept all these years: an erector set and a Robin Hood castle.

For children going through a family struggle, physical or sexual abuse, anxiety or depression - the road can be challenging. School performance usually drops, there may be behavior problems, and the child is not themselves anymore. But when a child is engaged in Ah Ha experiences, laughter and the feeling of mastery over their environment, they rise above their fears and inferiorities, if only for an hour or so. Fun clears their heads and they feel normal again for a while. In that space, they may or may not talk about their worries, but they always “play their worries out” in new-found spaciousness. This relieves much negative energy and begins their souls’ healing process.

We adults do not usually consider play as a first line of approach in dealing with our worries. But the child within is begging for that old feeling of fun again. The child within is our soul.

Inquiry: For your current worry, are you too old to play it out?

Dear God,

For all that the kids teach me and for all they remind me of, I am so humbly grateful. Amen.

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