Spiritual Progress

June 21, 2023

Only our heart knows if we have successfully won over a private struggle or if it’s beaten us again. Only our heart tells us if we love ourselves and others or if self-centered habits have taken over. Only our heart knows the sincerity of the forgiveness we extend or if it was merely “the right thing to say.” Though what others think of us is important, their judgments of us are incomplete compared to our self-judgments. Others’ judgments do not have all the information to base their verdicts on, but our self-judgments have more information than anyone else.

Unfortunately, much of our self-judgment is issued by our internal critic that wants to keep us on the road to progress but paradoxically holds us back. The inner critic intimidates us with its good intention of keeping us in line but its methods are cruel. It says, “You have done it now; you’re heartless - you are a miserable hypocrite - you’re not qualified to do anything well - look at who you have hurt - you betrayed them and did not hold to your promises. Now, you can never right the wrong you have done.” Sadly, if we are unaware of this cruel element within and its irrationality, it is easy to succumb to its lies.

In consciousness, however, the marks we miss are not considered crimes that require punishment. Instead, they are inevitable regressions that help us by keeping us in touch with our humanity, presenting the opportunity for growth and increasing our compassion for others who, like ourselves, are imperfect. The inner critics cannot create the state of consciousness in which love reigns, but our souls do.

So, we are the most crucial evaluator of our spiritual progress. Therefore, a spiritually conscious person’s progress, or lack thereof, is felt in her heart before she even thinks about it. The heart is the center of compassion and that includes self-compassion. Judgment without compassion is cruelty. Judgment with compassion carries no condemnation. Our heart ensures that when we evaluate ourselves, we see ourselves as soul children, not failures who must be punished. And we, in turn, also see others through the eyes of compassion.

Inquiry: Through your super ego’s inner critic, how are you doing in your spiritual progress? Through the eyes of your soul’s heart, how are you doing in your spiritual process?

Dear God,

“Make me an instrument of Thy peace.” Amen.

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Spiritual Progress