
January 9, 2024

We may hesitate to apply a spiritual approach to our circumstances and relationships because we are so comfortable with our "normal" way of handling these. To begin a new spiritual approach is scary because there will be great regrets if we fail. But if we muster up the strength and courage to apply our spiritual teaching, we are on the road to a new beginning at a higher level of consciousness.

In the world of addiction recovery, spiritual approaches are essential but very challenging to apply to real life. For example, if our children fall into addiction, we are so terrified that we try everything to save them. Frequently, we react from the ego because we want to take control of a situation that's out of control. This may work for a while, but eventually, things worsen.

Recovery is a spiritual process for everyone involved, including the family. The spiritual approach to recovery includes family members stepping back and discontinuing old egoism patterns. Then, instead, they contribute what will be helpful. Often, this does not look like love, and it doesn't feel like love, but it is. Sometimes, our honesty and presence are the most loving contributions we make. Occasionally, our new way of loving looks like we are depriving our children of what they want. The truth is that we are depriving them of resources that enable their addiction, but we always have open arms and open hearts for them.

In all situations and relationships, there are times when true love does not look or feel like love, but we do what is called for, even if we are unpopular or judged as unloving. To begin a new and better way of loving takes strength, courage, and genuine love. It takes a first step.

Inquiry: Why do you think some love is tough love?

Dear God,

I ask for courage to love according to the spiritual teachings you beautifully give us. Amen

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