December 31, 2024

​​​​​Endings—today is one of them. It closes in 2024. Whatever the year has brought us, good, bad, and indifferent, is finished for this segment of time. This is a day of demarcation—it finalizes 2024 and opens the way for the next 365 days— another segment of time that is measured by a completion of Earth’s complete journey around the sun.

Yet, life is not confined to yearly compartments. The issues and occurrences of each year continue into the next because life is a flow. So today, we say goodbye to 2024, but our concerns, curiosities, goals, intentions, happiness, concerns, growing edges, and victories carry over until tomorrow, the first day of 2025. 

Spiritual practice: How would you compare and contrast the person you were one year ago with the person you are today? Think about the differences in your mental being, your emotional being, and your physical being. Do you feel from your self-assessment that you are on a growth trajectory, on an even keel, or are you regressing in any area?

Dear God, 

In spiritual consciousness, we bless 2024 and thank you for the light, healing, and consciousness that came to us then. From our hearts, we express our thanks for the challenges of 2024 because they allowed us to grow our souls. We ask for forgiveness for our missing of the mark and commend our life during 2024 into your spirit. We pray that everything that happened brings us closer to you and our essence. We pray for your presence in the issues and with the dear souls that go with us into 2025. Amen. 


New Year’s Day


Application Part 2