February 2, 2025

The Living Document Part 6

Every one of us carries some form of documentation that confirms our identity. In movies, TV, and books, some well-known lines are: "Show me your ID," "Get out your papers," and "Have your passport ready." For many of us, our driver's license is our most ready form of ID; for others, it is our social security number or birth certificate. 

Why must we produce a birth certificate, social security number, or other legal documents to attest that we are a person? The foundational answers to this question are: deceit and possession. If we cannot prove who we are, we cannot prove that our possessions are ours. If someone cannot prove their identity or if they lie about it, they can take what is not theirs. Deceit and possession are the subjects of one of the most significant stories in the Old Testament: Jacob and Esau, the twin sons of Isaac. By disguising himself, Jacob deceives his father into giving him the blessing that should have gone to his older brother, Esau.

In the New Testament, Jesus was born on his parents' journey to pay their taxes to the Roman government, who kept records on everyone. Because there has always been the need for protection from deceit, proof of possession, and efficient record-keeping, identity is part and parcel of being in society. In ancient civilizations, one's identity was most associated with their family lineage and geographical home place. In Egypt, these were documented in hieroglyphics kept in central locations. In medieval Europe, a person's seal was their most important proof of identity. The seal bore their family name and a "logo" specific to their family and identity. The seal stamped Important documents in warm wax, usually in front of a witness. 

Our outward identity is important, just like our outward ego, but these are not who we really are.  We are not essentially our ID, birth certificate, passport, social security card, or coat of arms. We are not our ego or our personality. Instead, we are much deeper than these outward labels and manifestations: we are spiritual beings wrapped in layer upon layer of outward identities. Families do not need an ID card. An outward document is not needed for membership in small groups and trusted organizations. This is because we are known in these places as the living document that we are… the out-picturing of our inner core, the expression of our purpose, the aspect of the Divine we were created to express. 

Yes, some of us in families and small groups are known not so much for our soul qualities but our personalities and ego type. Yet on some level, even those who are known mostly for their outward personality, (and we have all been "those" at some time,) their underlying soul qualities find ways to express their most authentic being. 

Spiritual practice: Go down into the deep of your own being. Who knows you; who knows your deepest self? 

Self-inquiry: What is the price for not living in our most authentic identity? 

Dear God, 

You know me because you created my soul. I come to you for solace and restoration, for affirmation and guidance. I come to you for comfort, peace, forgiveness, and life itself. You who know me more than I know myself, I give you thanks and praise. Amen 


The Living Document 7


The Living Document 5