December 26, 2024

​​​​​Imagine Part 5

The conscious life requires forethought before we embark on something new. Going into uncharted territory first calls for us to imagine that territory, and then we build mental models of the people, circumstances, settings, and anything we expect to find in the unknown. To imagine, we usually begin with our knowledge and then build on it with what we imagine may exist beyond it.

Just think of Christopher Columbus, who’d never been to the New World and didn’t know it existed. He had some geographical knowledge, but he built on that knowledge to imagine what lay west of Europe on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. He held to the theory that the world was round, a concept recorded as early as the Greek philosophers. Though he imagined circumnavigating the globe to reach Asia, he surprisingly came to another world—the new world. 

What if Columbus had never imagined? Though his imagination was not totally accurate, he did discover a new world. Imagination is an essential skill that can help us move beyond what we know. Imagination paired with curiosity is powerful and can open new worlds to you and me.

Spiritual practice: If you have a current challenge, try taking time to imagine its outworking. Set an intention to spiritually imagine— imagining without the ego’s wishes only— imagine with your soul … the soul who has no limits. 

Self-inquiry: How important to you is your imagination? 

Dear God,

Grant to me this day the gift of spiritual imagination. Take me beyond the limitations of my ego into the realm of my soul, which is one with your wisdom. Amen  


Imagine Part 6


Christmas Day