Living Life to Its Fullest Part 2 (Copy)

December 14, 2024

​​​​​​​Living Life to Its Fullest Part 2

For those who try to live a spiritually conscious life, living to our fullest means having a heart of love. A heart of love not only gives love but receives it. Overflowing Love reduces our pain, heals our sorrow, lowers our level of fear, and instills hope. Even in the most trying times, if we conduct ourselves in love, we face the challenge before us with confidence. Love is the greatest power. It provides courage and inoculates us against fear, anger, shame, and all the passions by connecting us to the Power within us.

Tapping into the Higher Power is a matter of will. So, if we exert the will to give and receive love, we see more clearly the people we need and who need us. For many of us, we have to ask every day for the connection to the Higher Power because life has a way of depleting us. As human beings, disappointments, impressions, and complications tend to distract, worry, and drag us down. We easily disconnect from the essence and the love that continuously flows through us. When love is not being consciously conducted in our minds, bodies, and hearts, we are more susceptible to negative thoughts and anxiety. Then we are on a slippery slope to disintegration and unconsciousness.

Over the years I have learned that one of the greatest causes of anxiety is the lack of feeling lovable. Dear souls in anxiety are afraid they are unacceptable and unworthy. Frequently, they do not trust the love they receive because of a pervading sense that they are not worthy of love. As a result, they feel inferior, weak, and vulnerable. But once they are convinced of their love-worthiness, their confidence increases exponentially and vaporizes the anxiety. How do they or any of us become convinced of our lovability? We give and accept love until it overflows. This inevitably brings us closer to others who know us and who convey to us that we are valuable and cherished. We also become conscious of our connection to the Divine, whose affirmation is inestimable. There is no doubt we are lovable and loved.

Spiritual practice: Who do you rely on to remind you that you are lovable? Why would you not believe them?

Self-inquiry: What would prevent love from flowing through you now.

Dear God, For overflowing love I am so grateful. Amen


Living Life to Its Fullest Part 4


Living Life to Its Fullest Part 3