January 17, 2025

Divine Timing Part 4

Understandably, we each focus on our own years on earth. However, we strive to see the broader picture of life than our personal experience, unless we succumb to self-absorption. To understand more than our own life circumstances and to consider the larger picture is part of being conscious. 

We are born on a particular geographical location on earth and naturally adopt our culture's worldview, including its sense of time. Our cultural mores and religious ideas also influence us. These are not only the culture's, but they become parts of our personal identity. 

The ego tends to focus on "my species," "my culture," "my country," "my ethnicity," "my community," "my religion," and "my family," which are all layers of "my self." However, "my species" is among many species, "my culture" is one of many cultures, "my country" shares the same earth with all other countries, "my ethnic group" is part of a jigsaw puzzle of all different races and ethnicities, "my community" is part of a world-wide matrix of all kinds of communities, "my religion" shares truth with all other pathways to the Divine, and "my family" is a subset of all families. 

In consciousness, I may be more comfortable with my species, culture, country, ethnicity, community, religion, and family more than any others; I may praise them above all others, and I may even be very proud of them. But in reality, just because they are mine does not make them superior. It is a travesty when our egos set us apart from all others and think ours is the best way to live and the most accurate worldview.  

I am amazed at the audacity of some who espouse the same religious beliefs as I, and who think their religion is the only true pathway to the Divine. They condemn others' religious beliefs as false. Does the law of love, on which most religions are based, give believers the right to pronounce other cultures, mores, and religions as false? Even my tradition’s scripture allows for other truths that may be called by other names: In John 10:16 Jesus says, "I have other sheep that are not of this fold.”

How do good people have no problem sending to hell, everyone including children and babies, who don't believe as they do? The answer is that they are infected with audacious egocentricity that allows them to see only their religious beliefs.

The symptoms of the disease of egocentricity include the exclusion of others and taking a superior stance. Still, those two symptoms breed contempt — and if contempt goes un-healed, it ignites hatred, which causes interpersonal conflict, religious wars, as well as wars and destruction of all kinds. 

Though we may be proud of our community, state, or nation, in truth, we don't live in "God's Country." God's country encompasses all communities, countries, territories, and life everywhere, including what we currently call outer space. When will enough of us realize that we are all expressions of the same Creator, have a right to be here, and can exponentially increase the beauty and meaning of each other’s lives? 

What if the next step in human evolution is for humanity to pull together in this time of history? What if we don't? Will humanity have lasted only one minute in time?  

Spiritual practice: Befriend someone in a foreign country. If you don't have an outlet like this, you can learn much about other cultures and the commonalities of all people around the globe by going to globalpenfriends.com. There, you can introduce yourself to someone in a culture, ethnicity, or religion you may have questions about. Conversations can be compelling. 

Self-inquiry: How can learning about others' cultures and religions increase your consciousness? How will it help save the world? 

Dear God,

I know in my heart that it’s time for harmony for all of us in your country. Amen


Divine Timing 5


Divine Timing 3