January 16, 2025

Divine Timing Part 3

The ego fancies itself as being the center of life and that life on Earth began with our ancestors. But that line of thought is flawed by its egocentricity. We tend to think our country's founding was long ago and that Columbus' voyages were way in the past. We picture Christ, Socrates, and other people of history as ancient. They were, but only if we view humanity as the center of the world and its appearance marks the beginning of time. 

But the truth is, if we look at the entire time continuum, we see that the first humans are the most recent arrivals to planet Earth. Human life was not the beginning of history. If the planet's history was distributed within one hour on a clock, humanity would exist only in the last minute of that hour.

Being aware that humankind is a recent addition to planet Earth has some interesting implications; one of which is that we can no longer see humanity as central. As we broaden our lens to see the totality of being, we realize that nearly all of Earth's history has been without humanity, and therefore, we are part of a much greater picture and a much larger story. 

If history continues, what would be necessary for our species to survive? Can we survive another “hour” or even a “minute,” if we follow the same trajectory as we have from our beginnings? Though "love is as perennial as the grass," hatred has infested our people and taken us to the brink of extinction. Can we survive with the hatred that continually escalates and causes conflict? No.

So what do WE do? There is no global "WE." The globe’s population is fragmented and divided not only in the inner selves of individuals, but in families, communities, religions, states, nations, and hemispheres. The citizens of the world are not sufficiently unified to make a worldwide agreement to prevent the destruction of the human race. Only a critical mass of conscious persons on the planet can tip the scales toward healing and wholeness. Coming to consciousness is the individual's best way to become one of the people who compose that vital critical mass. 

Any program that fosters the embracing of consciousness, teaches it, and spreads it, is a profound antidote to extinction and provides a way for humanity to remain in the larger story. 

Spiritual practice: If you composed a prayer for humanity's continuance, what would it be? 

Self-inquiry: Why would you feel it best to focus only on your welfare and the welfare of those you love? 

Dear God, 

I pray for humanity. Amen 


Divine Timing 4


Divine Timing 2