Talking to the Dead

April 7, 2024

Yesterday's reflection was about a personal experience with my father. The reflection focused on how my heart has changed towards my dad as I matured and became conscious. When my ego dominated me, I was very judgmental of him and, of course, myself. But in the state of soul, which I call soulality (as opposed to personality), my harsh judgments of Dad disappeared. Therefore, I am no longer blocked from talking with Dad, whom I lost in 1991. I reflected on a conversation with him just yesterday about a beautiful thing he did for me when I was a boy. I could not fully appreciate or understand the love he expressed to me until coming to greater consciousness, because of my ego’s overriding resentment of him.

Dropping into our hearts and communing with someone who has passed from this realm alters our consciousness. Such sacred conversations transport us to a Holy dimension. Instead of two ego minds speaking, such conversations are between two souls; one is still in a body, and the other is in another form.

If we could break the barrier of considering conversations with deceased loved ones as weird or woo-woo, we could receive amazing healing and wholeness. The continuance of our spirit after death was not odd or woo-woo to Jesus. In John 10:27–28, Jesus states, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish." And again in John 11:25-26: "Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die."

Some people ask, "How do I begin a conversation with a lost loved one, and where should I do it? Sometimes, the person reaches out to us from beyond; something arises in the present moment — a song reminds us of them, an aroma immediately makes us think of them, an object they gave us or that we gave them suddenly stands out. We are suddenly drawn into a photograph of theirs or see someone who looks like them.

Are these triggers coincidences, or does the person's spirit use them as tools to connect with us? I believe they are gifts from our lost loved ones. A wonderful gift is that we can initiate a conversation with our lost loved one without a prompt from them. All we have to do is sit quietly away from the risk of being intruded on. Then, we drop into our hearts and re-experience the feelings of care and attachment we have for them. We may want to play a video of them in our heart's eye.

Some of us first hear the loved one's voice, then our heart brims over with love. Sometimes, we are the ones to speak first about what is on our hearts, and then we immediately feel their presence. Many report that their entire chest area is highly sensitized and warm during such reunions. In these holy conversations, we can bring up anything with the loved one. We can ask for forgiveness, and we can grant forgiveness. We can ask them for help and tell them how thankful we are for the support they have always given us. We can bring up any clash or misunderstanding and receive impressions from them that give us tremendous peace and healing. We can remember with them any cherished memories and funny stories that we share.

Inquiry: How would my soul profit from a soul-to-soul conversation with someone I have lost?

Dear God,

Thank you for giving me the means to continue my relationship with those I have lost. It heals my aching heart whenever I am in Holy Union with them.


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Talking to the Dead


Talking to the Dead