Dr. Howell’s Reflections

Dr. Howell’s Reflections

Everyday, Dr. Howell writes a reflection, inquiry prompt, and a prayer.
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Relevance Part 1

February 4, 2025

The word “relevance“ has a curious etymology. Its original Latin root is “relevare,” which means “to lift up again” or “to lighten.” The notion of lifting up or lightening connotes the idea of support. So, if something has relevance, it essentially means it supports something.

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Psychology and Spirituality Part 6

November 13, 2024

Everyone seems to have a favorite actor or two. We enjoy them in whatever roles they might play. Most play a wide range of characters. For example, Jack Nicholson may play the love interest in one movie and the next, the villain: "Here's Johnny." Julia Roberts may play the love interest or a determined hero like Erin Brockovich. Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep also play a wide range of characters. Many of us feel we know our favorite actors as people, even if we have never seen them outside their roles. We are drawn to them, but what makes them our favorites?

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Psychology and Spirituality Part 4

November 11, 2024

Spiritual Consciousness profoundly determines the way we think and behave. Our soul sets the tone for our lives. As our deepest self, it knows our purpose and tries to accomplish it. The soul’s still small voice guides us if we listen to it, taking us to the relationships and circumstances that help achieve our purpose. Sometimes, those relationships and circumstances are not pleasant, but they are exactly what we need in order to grow our souls. Barriers to the soul’s expression include the ego’s passion, avoidances, traps, fixations, and an impervious allegiance to its perception of reality. Wars have been fought, and millions have died to defend their perceptions of reality, which may not have been accurate.

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Psychology and Spirituality Part 2

November 9, 2024

Suppose we are spiritual beings in a physical body and attribute our existence to a Creator. In that case, our mental functions and emotions are rooted in our primary being, our souls. However, if we are among those who do not perceive a “first intentional cause,” and, therefore, a Divine Spirit behind that intention, we must study the mind, behavior, and emotions strictly from the scientific approach of psychology.

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Rejuvenation Part 7

Nov. 7, 2024

To rejuvenate, we go through similar processes. First, we take stock of the areas that require restoration. Through self-inquiry, we become conscious of the damaged areas. We ask, “What trauma has damaged me, and what level of pain did it leave behind?” We take note of our answers. Then we ask ourselves, “What capacities in my life have faded? We listen and take the answers to heart. Then we inquire, “What areas of my life need life support?” We look deeply into our energy reserves and sense the areas in jeopardy. 

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Rejuvenation Part 6

Nov. 6, 2024

Possibly one of the most rejuvenating experiences is affirmation. You know what I mean? Just pat the head of a down-and-out dog and tell them they are a good boy or good girl, and then watch their tail wag. I had the pleasure of meeting a shy and somewhat reclusive dog recently. When I patted his head and asked him to sit and shake hands, he gave me a dog smile and became my buddy.

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Rejuvenation Part 5

Nov. 5, 2024

At times, we experience a vague heaviness, an unsettled feeling. Sometimes, it's like mind fog or an almost imperceptible preoccupation. It may be a nagging thought; it may feel like a dark cloud hanging over us… We know we are not ourselves, but we can't put our fingers on the reasons for it.

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Rejuvenation Part 4

Nov. 4, 2024

I do not know anyone who has not had tough times. And I have yet to experience anyone in the spiritual life who’s free from bewilderment, doubts, and tests of faith. It’s easy to ride high when things are going well. That’s when some people say, “God is so good.” We are on a mountaintop; we see everything clearly now and can’t even imagine being in a mess ever again. Yet when things deteriorate or adversity takes center stage, we are not so sure that things will ever return to the mountaintop we once enjoyed—doubts surface.

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Rejuvenation Part 3

Nov. 3, 2024

Depletion is a fact of life. We must eat to restore our lost energy; we must water our plants, or they will die. We must fill our car with fuel or recharge it. The Creator sets things up so that energy is continuously being restored. Rain comes down; the sun shines, all life dies and is recycled into the earth to give more life. And then there is you and me. What do we do to restore our bodies, minds, and hearts? What happens when we do not?

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Rejuvenation Part 1

Nov. 1, 2024

The word rejuvenation is rooted in the Latin "juvenis" which means young. Rejuvenation conveys the thought of making something or someone young again. We equate youth with strength, liveliness, and beauty, which are invaluable in moving us through the world. As we age, however, navigating the world can be physically challenging. As we lose the benefits of strength, aliveness, and beauty, we naturally want to recapture them. So, we search for ways to restore them. In what ways have you tried to recapture and maintain your younger self? Have these worked?

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Your Life Story Part 5

Oct. 29, 2024

Until I lost her when she was ninety-two, I regularly sat with my grandmother and asked questions about her life. She was born in 1892, so she had a wonderful perspective on life. She was raised in a farm family in Linn Crossing, Alabama. Bernice graduated from what is now the University of Montevallo. Her mother was a homemaker, and her father was a farmer and a county judge. She told me many things I would never have known about farm life during that part of history, like running down chickens, ringing their necks, and plucking them for Sunday dinner. She spoke of playing in the cornfields and learning from her mama how to cook her wonderful biscuits, cakes, and pies… yum.

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