Dr. Howell’s Reflections

Dr. Howell’s Reflections

Everyday, Dr. Howell writes a reflection, inquiry prompt, and a prayer.
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Divine Timing 6

January 19, 2025

How do we stay in the moment? That is a good question, but before we address it, a more fundamental question is: Why should we stay in the moment? And the answer is that by living in the moment, we live more deeply, consciously, and longer. You may ask, "How is it possible to live longer by living in the present? 

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Revival Part 5

January 11, 2025

There is a lot of talk these days about being present. But there's little that explains what it means to be present. Oh, I know it means to live in the moment, but what exactly is the moment? Is then a moment each second or is it longer? How do we define the "present moment?"

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Living Life to Its Fullest Part 1

December 13, 2024

We can get so distracted by the day's concerns that we lose sight of what's going right, what's lovely, and the beautiful all around us. In other words, we tend to focus on solving immediate problems or addressing the concerns of the moment, so we forget to notice the tremendous gifts right before our eyes. It can take a shock point or another sort of wake-up call to help us remember all the things going right and all the beauty in our lives. Then in gratitude, our senses embrace it.

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