December 22, 2024

​​​​​Imagine Part 3

Imagining is part of goal setting, which paves the way for our future. Yes, wishing, hoping, visualizing, and working on the emerging plan are essential in manifesting our dreams. Therefore, imagination is also a key to our becoming the fulfillment of the seed planted in us at our making. 

For as long as I can remember, a saying that Lark cross-stitched and framed has hung in my office. It says, “Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass!” Later, I learned the saying is by Paul J. Meyer, one of the most influential people in the history of personal achievement and founder of The Success Motivation Institute.

The words “vividly imagine” begin the quote, reminding us that the mind center usually hatches beginnings. Then come the words “desire,” “belief,” and “act,” which include the heart and body centers. 

This saying lit a fire under me for years. It dove-tailed into my belief that our will is the most significant determiner of our fate. Over the years, I have found that there is much truth to this saying. However, as time passed, I also learned that the saying is not always true: there are things we imagine, desire, believe, and enthusiastically act upon that never come to pass. 

After I learned the saying was not an absolute truism, I still kept it on my wall at work. I did so because it had been very motivational during a phase when I didn’t believe enough in the power of my thoughts, will, beliefs, and efforts. And I found it quite inspirational for many of my patients, especially the dear souls stuck in their problems and who felt powerless. 

The saying has truth; it may be life-changing and make many dreams come true. However, human will is no match for fate. It is not glamorous or pleasant to realize that sometimes fate is more powerful than our most ardent beliefs, desires, and actions. This is the way the Creator sets things up. This is reality. This is part of the Divine mystery. I can only imagine what life would be like if we were the sole determiners of our fate.

Spiritual practice: What came true after you did everything in your power to make it so? What didn’t come true? Write about these in your journal and answer the question: What do I believe about imagination and fate?  

Self-inquiry: How do you deal with life when your beliefs fail?

Dear God, 

I ask for the faith and strength to expect my best and accept reality. Amen 


Imagine Part 4


Imagine Part 2