The Path of Least Resistance Part 6

December 11, 2024

​​​​​​​The Path of Least Resistance Part 6

Today, we reflect on the paths of least resistance of the three centers that compose the Mind Center of Intelligence; Ego Types Five, Six, and Seven.

Type Five:

The path of least resistance for the Ego Type Five is to follow their arrow to the unhealthy characteristics of Point Seven. If their unhealthy ego had dominated, they’d spent much of their lives collecting information and hoarding the totems to fill their overwhelming lack and emptiness. But regardless of how much knowledge they acquire, or how many totems they house, they fear being intruded upon by others and having to give their time and resources (Ego Stinginess). In their unhealthiest state, they want to be left alone in their cave, observing the world and feasting on the information they collect. The unconscious aspect of the unhealthy Five ignores the necessity for an interactive and shared community. But regardless of how insulated they are, they still feel empty. Their path of least resistance continues to adopt the unhealthy Seven characteristics of living in a mental fantasy and, in the extreme, withdrawing from reality and creating one of their own. They continue to disintegrate by sliding to the unhealthy characteristics of Point One, where they rigidly protect their self-made reality.

However, when Fives go against their arrow (the path of most resistance), they move into the powerful space of the healthy Eight. Here, they move out into the world as a potent force using their knowledge and wisdom to benefit the community. 

Type Six:

The path of least resistance for the Six is to slide into the unhealthy characteristics of Point Three. The unhealthy Six avoids their deficiencies and labels them as deviant and despicable. Therefore, being included in a group and being loyal to the group’s leader is essential to the Six, who fear rejection and need protection. Because unhealthy Sixes don’t believe in their capacities and are anxious most of the time, they naturally want to make themselves indispensable to the group, which protects them and gives them a secure and respectable place. So, at point Three, the Six works hard to accomplish as much as possible, not so much to be praised but to secure their position. They become efficient, play to the crowd, and like to “Wow” others with how much they can do. They can even fall prey to the Three’s passion for deceit. However, regardless of how much the unhealthy Six accomplishes, they cannot achieve the security that they hoped. They are surprised when, even after accomplishing so much, they are subject to criticism and even their worst fears of being rejected by those for whom they had worked so hard.  

But things work out very differently when Sixes go to their Soul Point at Nine. They remember the strength and faith of their spiritual identity. The anxiety about their place in the world goes away. They live in the support of the universe they always had but had forgotten. 

Type Seven:

The path of least resistance for Sevens is when they slide into the unhealthy characteristics of type One, which is their stress point. Sevens avoid pain, and unhealthy Sevens avoid it to the extreme. They want perfect happiness and think they can find this by over-indulging in the things they like. Separated from the peace experienced in their soul child where all was available, they imitate that bliss by catering to their senses. But this doesn’t satisfy them. So, they capitulate to the unhealthy characteristics of point One. Here, the meticulous, picky, and perfectionistic aspects of the unhealthy One are adopted by Sevens, and they become rigid in what they want and how they are to be satisfied. Even this does not help them achieve a pain-free existence and the bliss they crave, so they proceed with their arrow to the next point of disintegration, which is the unhealthy side of Four, where they can become melancholy and disillusioned with life. 

However, if Sevens go to their point of integration, they arrive at their Soul Point Five, where they get off their merry-go-round and wake up to reality in the here and now. At healthy Five, Sevens trade lily pad hopping for groundedness, inner wisdom, and introspection; they become settled and take their place to co-create with the Divine. 

Spiritual practice: Do you identify with any of the above paths of least resistance? How is that? 

Self-inquiry: What about your path of least resistance have you enjoyed? 

Dear God, 

My path of least resistance is alluring, but I am exhausted when I get on it. Please open my eyes to my fallibility, vulnerability, and ego’s narrative. Please give me the strength to choose my soul, Oh God. Amen 


The Path of Least Resistance Part 7


The Path of Least Resistance Part 5 5