Dr. Howell’s Reflections
Everyday, Dr. Howell writes a reflection, inquiry prompt, and a prayer.
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Make peace with your ego and discover your true path today. The path to wholeness starts now!
Talking to the Dead
April 5, 2024
Most of us have lost a father, mother, sister, or brother. Maybe it is a child, aunt, uncle, cousin, or grandparent. Perhaps it is a friend. We don’t like to think of these dear souls as dead. We avoid the word “dead” when talking about these dear ones. Death is too harsh of a word to describe someone so meaningful to us. Death is so final. Death is so sad. Death is the opposite of the life they brought to us!
When the Time is Right
April 4, 2024
When I was younger, I was often bored or impatient with things. I had things to do and places to go. I was not fond of things blocking my mobility or slowing me down. I was not particularly eager to waste time with things that didn’t pertain to my goals. The ego state is usually a driven state. It has many needs and desires, most of which are meant to build more “me” and more of our story. So, the ego doesn’t have time to waste.
When the Time is Right
April 3, 2024
We reflected yesterday on how the now reveals information and feelings by awakening sensibilities to our immediate, outer environment. But the now also speaks to our inner experience. By being in the present moment, the now taps our unconscious and penetrates the collective unconscious.
When the Time is Right
April 2, 2024
We can never understand enough about the never-ending unfoldment of reality. It has endless revelations perceived in our outer as well as inner experience. In our outer experience of the now, we perceive the physical environment differently and more intensely.
When the Time is Right
April 1, 2024
Carpe diem is a phrase from the Roman poet Horace’s work Odes (23 BC). Its literal meaning in Latin is “Pluck the day,” though it’s usually translated as “Seize the day.” Another way to say it is, “Now is the time, because tomorrow, the ‘plucking’ may not be so good.”
When the Time is Right
March 31, 2024
When living in the now, time stands still, and our senses are more acute. There are fewer mental distractions because we are not confined to our minds and the story of our ego. Instead, in the now, our minds are not planning for the next few minutes or hours; we focus on what is happening right this second. This gives us the space to be aware. The state of being aware in the now is called mindfulness. But this condition is more than MINDfulness; it is HEARTfulness and BODYfulness. Without all three of these “nesses,” we are not fully present.
When the Time is Right
March 30, 2024
In 1889, Charles and Myrtle Filmore began a new spiritual movement in the United States that has since spread worldwide. This movement is called Unity, and its headquarters are in Unity Village, Missouri. Unity is dedicated to healing and growing our souls by promoting unity among us and with God. It is similar to the Holy Idea of 'Union with God,’ yet on the individual and collective levels.
When the Time is Right
March 29, 2024
How many times have you put something off until the time is right? We all do it for a variety of reasons. We may not have the time; we may not have the right combination of people or resources, or we may not want to face it then, so we procrastinate.
The Power of Healing
March 28, 2024
I have learned over the years of working with patients and with myself that much of our disease, as a world, country, state, family, and on the individual level, is caused by internal conflict. A nation divided against itself will not thrive, nor will a state, city, neighborhood, or family.
The Power of Healing
March 27, 2024
There is a private ritual for healing relationships with those who have passed away or those who are alive but can’t be contacted. The ritual involves writing a letter to the person. Of course, the letter can’t be delivered in actuality, but writing it releases the sentiments.
The Power of Healing
March 26, 2024
Broken relationships are some of the most challenging things to heal. So many feelings are involved, especially when hurtful things have been said or done. Some broken relationships are the result of people drifting apart. One of the parties may lose interest in the other, or they may find another direction for their life. Some people are disillusioned in their relationships with friends, family members, or loved ones.
The Power of Healing
March 25, 2024
A ground-breaking book on healing is The Healing Light (1947) by Agnes Sanford. At the time of publication, many people considered her ideas to be “New Age.” The history of healing has proven Sanford’s ideas to be on the right track. What did Sanford say about healing?
The Power of Healing
March 24, 2024
In 1986, Yale University surgeon Bernie Siegel, M.D. published his groundbreaking work on healing entitled Love, Medicine, and Miracles. This book is a courageous literary contribution by a science-based medical doctor. Yet Bernie's experience taught him that his patients' purest and most effective healing occurred in the container of love. He noted that his surgical patients recovered quicker and that their health steadily improved when they were supported by the love of their families and their faith.
The Power of Healing
March 23, 2024
Renowned cardiac surgeon Christiaan Barnard (1922-2001), who in 1967 performed the world's first heart transplant, said, "Love is the most powerful force in the universe, stronger than any medical procedure." He believed that Love, in its essential form, supersedes the material world. He maintained that Love heals, raises our consciousness, and transforms us more than anything.
The Power of Healing
March 22, 2024
Whether it’s from a small cut or an extensive infection, all of us have experienced healing. Healing is a natural process of the body, mind, and emotions. Although some maladies never heal, we witness overwhelming amounts of healing and restoration all around and within us. To discuss the things that have not healed is to open the subject of “Why is there illness and death?” That is a different discussion for a different day. But in this series, we reflect on the power of healing.
When Things Get Under Our Skin
March 21, 2024
If we have thick skin, we are protected from outer impacts more than thin-skinned people. But for the thick-skinned, it's harder to release infection because boils, cysts, or pimples cannot easily reach the surface.
When Things Get Under Our Skin
March 20, 2024
Being caught in an endless line of traffic backed up on the highway gets under my skin. I feel trapped with no way to move forward or backward. Then I get the heebie-jeebies, that antsy feeling caused by internalized situational anxiety. I do not know what to do. Lark says that at times like these, I can't relax; I must Google the nearest exit and alternative routes.
When Things Get Under Our Skin
March 19, 2024
When we do not feel well, our resistance is lower, and our emotions can be “prickly.” Not only is our physical energy drained, but so is our spiritual energy. As for me, some disturbances roll like water off a duck’s back, but if I am tired, stressed, or sick, they tend to get under my skin. It’s particularly distressing when I do not have the spiritual reserve to handle things in the most loving way possible.