Upcoming Conferences
Below you will find the listing of upcoming ICB Conferences.
These events are open to all. Please join us!
Would you or your group like the ICB Faculty to come and present a conference, retreat, or workshop with you?
Once we receive your request you will receive an email from us to set up a phone time to discuss the needs of your organization and to discuss possible dates

The Spirituality of the Enneagram: Experiencing the Wisdom of Your True Self
Join us as Dr. Joseph Howell and the faculty of the Institute for Conscious Being lead you through the basics of the Enneagram and provide you with working knowledge of this amazing ancient system. You will also have the experience of understanding your personality as well as your True Self, your essence.
This retreat, which will cover Enneagram Basics and the Soul Child, will include:
• Information about Enneagram Basics & Exploration of the Soul Child
• Live music
• Live teachings
• Small groups
• Interactive exercises that apply the Enneagram to daily life and painful issues
• Social & hospitality hours
This conference is open to all!

The Spirituality of the Enneagram: Experiencing the Wisdom of Your True Self
Join us as Dr. Joseph Howell and the faculty of the Institute for Conscious Being lead you through the basics of the Enneagram and provide you with working knowledge of this amazing ancient system. You will also have the experience of understanding your personality as well as your True Self, your essence.
This retreat, which will cover Enneagram Basics and the Soul Child, will include:
• Information about Enneagram Basics & Exploration of the Soul Child
• Live music
• Live teachings
• Small groups
• Interactive exercises that apply the Enneagram to daily life and painful issues
• Social & hospitality hours
This conference is open to all!
Looking for the ICB Student Intensive Schedule?